
香港衞生署表列之醫療儀器進口商編號 IMP180001

Sleep Test

Sleep Test and Analysis

An easy sleep test at your home place

Why would I need a sleep test?

This sleep test is ideal for individuals who are potentially suffering from certain sleep disorders, loud snoring could be a signal of sleep apnea. This sleep report results with supporting data for doctor to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Based on your result, you can then consider for further therapy, check with AMED for details.

Report includes: Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI), Pluse Rate (PR), Snoring Monitor, Body Movement Monitor,
Apnea & Hypopnea Index (AHI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Body Mass Index (BMI)


Procedure: This sleep test is designed to monitor patient’s sleeping patterns over the course of one night – pick up the testing device from AMED, wearing it for one night sleep and return on the next day.


Note: Please consult with doctor whether you need to use a CPAP or iNAP Sleep Therapy System.

Fee: $780


Reservation: Please book a date & time with us, you can pick up the testing device from our Prince Edward or Wan Chai shop.


1) Do not drink any type of caffeine or alcohol on the testing day

2) Sleep less than 4 hours will not be able to generate report

3) Do not proceed the test during medication

4) $2,000 deposit will be paid before you pick up the device, we will return deposit after the test

5) Charge may be applicable if any damages on the sleep test device

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