
香港衞生署表列之醫療儀器進口商編號 IMP180001

Sleep Apnea Diagnostic medical device Kit

About iNAP®

A Novel OSA Treatment

INAP is a new oral negative pressure device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea adults. The system uses a soft, flexible mouthpiece, thin tubing, and a quiet battery-powered console the size of a smartphone to deliver a light, oral vaccum during sleep to comfortably keep the airway open while breathing normally through the nose.

Are you suitable for using iNAP®

Who’s an iNAP Candidate?

Most adults are iNAP candidates. In clinical studies, iNAP was proven effective in patients with mild, moderate, and severe OSA (AHI 5-55).
To successfully use iNAP, you must be able to breathe through your nose while sleeping, so we recommend discussing iNAP as a therapy option with your physician.

Why choose iNAP®

If you have the following symptoms:

iNAP provides the solutions:

World Patented Intraoral Negative Pressure Therapy

Light-weight Easy to carry

Mask Free Comfort Sleep

Soft material used for the oral interface

Therapy data tracking

Mobile APP and Cloud management platform

Clinical Studies Proven

Patients report much improvement

Clinical success rate

Average reduction in sleep apnea events

Average reduction in oxygen desaturation events

iNAP One

iNAP 6 Features

Clinically Proven

Breathe Naturally

Mask Free

Quiet & Discreet

Extremely Portable

Digital Healthcare




Different from traditional positive pressure breathing opportunities, the wind blows out and causes discomfort

No need to wear a nasal mask

Experience the benefits of falling asleep without opening your mouth

Lightweight and rechargeable device

Can be used in airplanes, cruise ships or coaches





Use the mobile app to help record usage information, analyze usage status, and confirm iNAP usage.

iNAP® Technology

While you sleep, iNAP delivers a gentle suction inside the oral cavity, moving the tongue forward and away from the airway. When you’re ready for bed, simply insert the mouthpiece and click on the power button. iNAP’s intermittent negative airway pressure effectively eliminates apnea by keeping the airway open and allowing you to breathe naturally and sleep peacefully.

Learn more about iNAP®

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